I’m asthmatic and I do sports. How do I know if my breathlessness is normal or if it’s an asthma attack?

I’m often out of breath. What can I do to be less out of breath?

I never feel my asthma is that bad?

What can I do to prevent an asthma attack?

It’s not clear to me when I have to take my puffers.

I’m asthmatic and I do sports. How do I know if my breathlessness is normal or if it’s an asthma attack?


 Steps to be done:

  1. Call your GP, discuss with him your medical situations.
  2.  and let him send a prescription to do Spirometry, Your GP can send it to you by Email,
  3. once you got it, call us and we will arrange doing the test in the next 72 hours.

COPD is one of the most common lung diseases that make breathing difficult. COPD consists of a combination of the following two lung diseases:

  1. Emphysema: progressive disease of the lungs in which lung tissue is destroyed
  2. Chronic bronchitis: long term cough with mucus.

COPD is often caused by smoking and damage is permanent even after a person stops smoking. Primary symptoms include shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chronic cough and an expanded chest. COPD may be identified by Spirometry and Comprehensive Lung Function Testing. There is no cure for COPD, but quitting smoking will slow progress of the disease. Additional treatment may include medicines, vaccines, pulmonary rehabilitation, oxygen therapy and surgery.

Restrictive Lung Disease is a lung disease that causes a decrease in the ability to expand the lung (breathe in), which may make it difficult to get enough oxygen. Restrictive lung disease is typically caused by scarring (and subsequent stiffness) of the lungs, which may be a result of long-term asbestos exposure, radiation or chemotherapy from cancer treatment, allergic reaction to inhaled particles, connective tissue disease (such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus), certain drugs, neuromuscular disease, obesity, etc. Primary symptoms are shortness of breath and cough. Interstitial Lung Disease is a type of Restrictive Lung Disease. Restrictive Lung Disease may be identified by Comprehensive Lung Function Tests, blood testing, chest x-ray, CT scan and lung biopsy. Treatment may include avoiding lung irritants, pulmonary rehabilitation, oxygen therapy, steroids, vaccines, or bronchodilators if small airways are obstructed.

sleep apnea

  • Sleep apnea increases the risk of heart disease, hypertension and the risk of daytime accidents (such as falling asleep at the wheel).
  • It also increases the risk of diabetes (apnea increases insulin resistance).
  • Excess weight and having a large neck size (43cm or more for men and 40.6cm or more for women), are both risk factors for sleep apnea, while hypertension and family history of sleep apnea are also risk factors.
  • Sleep apnea is generally more common in men than women, however the risk for women increases after menopause.
  • Untreated sleep apnea is linked to serious medical conditions including high blood pressure or heart problems, due to sudden drops in blood oxygen levels, type 2 diabetes and people with sleep apnea are also more likely to have complications with medications and surgery because they’re prone to breathing problems especially when sedated.
  • People who takes pain killer or sleep bills are more prone to have sleep apnea due to decrease drive to breath and they highly require a home sleep test.
  • People who take muscle relaxant are also prone to develop sleep apnea to the collapse of upper airway muscle which leads to OSA.
  • Sleep Apnea can also impact other family members, with loud snoring linked to sleep deprivation in partners.
  • Second-hand snoring is linked to a host of health problems for partners, including hearing loss, anxiety and relationship problems.

What are the symptoms of Sleep Apnoea?

Sign of sleep apnoea include:

  • Loud or frequent snoring on back or side (however not everyone who snores has sleep apnoea)
  • Silent pauses in breathing
  • Choking or gasping sounds
  • Daytime sleepiness or fatigue
  • Unrefreshing sleep
  • Insomnia
  • Morning headaches
  • Weight Gain
  • Mood swings, depression and irritability
  • Memory loss